10月16日(月)、ライフデザイン学部 産業デザイン学科 下總 良則 准教授が、ヴァンド・インターナショナルを通じてデザインを学ぶ女性達の背中を押すメッセージをインスタグラム上で届ける「Empower Afghan Girls Campaign」に参加し、デザインを学ぶアフガニスタンの女性達へ、応援のメッセージを送りました。
Associate Professor Yoshinori Shimousa, Department of Industrial Design, Faculty of Life Design, participated in “Empower Afghan Girls Campain” on Instagram to send a message of support to women studying design through Vand International. He sent a message of support to Afghan women studying design through Vand International.
Vand International is a design organization established in the UK and France that uses the power of design to solve social issues. They are working to teach graphic design through online education to Afghan women who are deprived of their right to learn simply because they are women and are in danger of even going outside their homes. As a result, these educated women have become graphic designers and are able to earn an income and make a living from the safety of their homes.
◆Empower Afghanistan and Iran Girls through Design Education