Study exchange agreement with the Illinois Institute of Technology.
We had study exchange agreement with the Illinois Institute of Technology. We are looking forward to future exchanges between our institutions.
Illinois Institute of Technology
[Summary] The Illinois Institute of Technology is a private university established in 1940. The main campus is located in Chicago, Illinois. The abbreviation is IIT. IIT is a member of the Association of Independent Technological Universities (AITU).
The Chicago-Kent College of Law was established in 1887, and due to influence from the Bauhaus movement, the Institute of Design was established in 1937. These schools were combined to form the current IIT.
The main campus is located at 565 West Adams Street in Chicago. It is about 10 minutes by train to the south of the Loop, Chicago’s central business district. Most of the university buildings and the overall layout was designed by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. Most famous of the buildings is Crown Hall. The Business School and Law School are located at the downtown campus.